Matching Grants 2012 Program Participants
The San Francisco Japantown Foundation board of directors approved the following projects to participate in our 2012 matching grants program, listed with the maximum amount of matching funds:
Children's Day Activities ($4,000.00), a project of JCCCNC
Japantown Youth Leaders ($2,000), a project of the Japanese Community Youth Council
J-POP Summit Festival ($2,500.00)
Michiya Hanayagi Dance Studio ($1,000)
Nihonmachi Street Fair ($2,500.00)
Nikkei Community Internship ($3,000), a project of the California Japanese American Leadership Council
Northern California Cherry Blossom Festival ($5,000)
Northern California Soy and Tofu Festival ($1,000), a project of the Nichi Bei Foundation
O-Hanami Grove ($500), a project of the Parent Teacher Community Council, Japanese Bilingual Program
San Francisco Japantown Educational Heritage Program ($5,000), a project of the National Japanese American Historical Society
We are also extending the timeframe for receiving donations that qualify for a match. Tuesday, August 7, July 31, 2012, 5 p.m. Pacific Time, is the new deadline for us to receive donations via the matching grants program.
The deadline for the Foundation to tally donations and notify matching grants program participants of final totals and grant awards is now still August 15, 2012. The original deadline was July 31. We will notify participants of the final donation totals by the end of August.